Miho Kahn
West Chester, PA
What makes your interior designs and art unique?
I have an ability to articulate people's desires and lift those thoughts to an artistic expression.
How do you incorporate sustainability into your designs and why is this incorporation important to you?
Using materials responsibly is a driving force in my life. I have always felt a particular kinship, if you will, to that which is broken or cast aside. I find great pleasure in giving things new life. For me, it is a spiritual practice.
What’s one way you give back to nature or your community?
I call it de-vining. I go around pulling down the vines that are overtaking the trees in our greenspaces. I make beautiful nests and gigantic spheres with the vines thus saving the trees.
What do you hope The Jeweled Warrior interior design inspires in others?
It is my hope that the space inspires people to dream big and to see that there is magic in the corners and crevices of our minds… you need only to give it a space to unfurl its wings.