Vintage Button Babes

Downingtown, PA
What makes your art unique?
All my jewelry is made with antique and vintage buttons as well as other vintage findings. I reuse beautiful bits of history; in ways that cause no damage, and make them modern gems. You'll find everything from Victorian to mod 1960s gently transformed into wearable art.
Why is sustainability important to your art?
There is so much we consider trash in this world. Bits and pieces of unwanted things that are bound for the dump. Some of these objects can be made useful again by repurposing them as art. It's saving the little things that perhaps shouldn't be forgotten and saving the earth in an expressive manor that can be appreciated by all.

What do you do to give back?
I buy most of my materials locally. Buying small helps support my community especially in these trying times. I also strive to recycle as much as I can, whether to be reused in my art or to go to a processing center. This earth needs every little bit of help we can give it.
What do you hope your art inspires in others?
I hope that my jewelry inspires people to take a closer look at the little things and to find the beauty in the everyday forgotten objects like buttons. Each button is a beautiful masterpiece in and of itself with a vast history to be discovered.