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Mid Coast Rtisan

Mid Coast Rtisan The Jeweled Warrior Ethical Artist
Mid Coast Rtisan sea glass sculpture


Oak Creek, WI

What makes your art unique?

I have such a broad range of interests. I want to learn how to make anything and everything. I can look at a piece of driftwood and be flooded with many ways to use it as it is, not change it.

Why is sustainability important to your art?

I believe in the grounding theory. We are so removed from the earth in our daily lives, and I love to connect natural materials to wear or hang in the house. I want to bring nature inside, surrounding myself in hopes to not feel so removed from the earth and the energy it provides us.

Mid Coast Rtisan resin coasters
Mid Coast Rtisan copper fish

What do you do to give back?

I am an avid gardener. I love flowers and want to provide a peaceful spot for my family, and in return I get to enjoy growing food for butterflies, bees, birds, and animals.

What do you hope your art inspires in others?

Do what you love and what serves you best. I use art as my therapy. I want people to be more inspired by nature. I use art to heal myself and hope it can spark joy in others.

Mid Coast Rtisan moon phases

Mid Coast Rtisan inspo quote