Mid Coast Rtisan
Oak Creek, WI
What makes your art unique?
I have such a broad range of interests. I want to learn how to make anything and everything. I can look at a piece of driftwood and be flooded with many ways to use it as it is, not change it.
Why is sustainability important to your art?
I believe in the grounding theory. We are so removed from the earth in our daily lives, and I love to connect natural materials to wear or hang in the house. I want to bring nature inside, surrounding myself in hopes to not feel so removed from the earth and the energy it provides us.
What do you do to give back?
I am an avid gardener. I love flowers and want to provide a peaceful spot for my family, and in return I get to enjoy growing food for butterflies, bees, birds, and animals.
What do you hope your art inspires in others?
Do what you love and what serves you best. I use art as my therapy. I want people to be more inspired by nature. I use art to heal myself and hope it can spark joy in others.